一個在Guatemala工作的朋友幾個禮拜前在mail中提到”We received two person from Taiwan visiting to Antigua, one of them, he is a yoga teacher as well. He wrote a book about yoga, perhaps you heard about him. His BLOG is MING yoga.”
只要是經常上yoga blog的人,對Ming yoga應該都不陌生。剛開始都會認為Ming yoga = 洪光明老師,但連結到到部落格後才知道Ming是另外一位資深yoga師 - 董振銘。Johns老師(洪光明)雖然出道時間比董老師晚,不過在幾年前就出書,so在中南部他的知名度會比董老師還高些。
董老師在今年7月才出第一本yoga書,那本書的內容還沒到書局翻過。之前曾在網路書局稍瀏覽,或許是書的內容不怎麼吸引我,再加上DVD所示範的動作較屬於高階,適合教師資班的老師拿來參考,所以那本”似水如雲:阿斯坦加串連瑜珈”書自己並沒真正讀過。在看到mail後幾天還特地跑到彰化兩家大規模連鎖書局想實際翻閱似水如雲那本書的內容,but don’t find it….
上個月底看到朋友的mail裡寫著 ” I met Mr. Dong again during the last weekend, he is still here in Guatemala... I heard that he sold his house of Taiwan and use the money to travel and plan to settle down in Guatemala... don’t know why ….”
San Antonios